The compound is a parcel of land located generally around the house and fenced around. On top of their yards to grow a wide range of plants. Shapes and patterns can not be equated garden plants, depending on the area of land, high places, climate, distance from town, the type of plant. In the yard area is usually maintained the fish in the column, and piaraaan animals such as chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, rabbits, cows and buffaloes. The diversity of domesticated plants and stars is what creates the environment conservation in the yard.
Yard area and its contents constitute a whole life of mutual benefit. Most of the crops used for animal feed, and partly to humans, whereas cattle dung used as manure to fertilize the soil pekarnagn. Thus, the relationship between soil, plants, pets, fish and humans as the units in the yard of a single integrated unit.
Function of Land YardYard area has a variety of functions as follows:
1. Life Barn Function
To deal with a bad season, yards can usually help residents provide a living food source (the barn alive) such as: crops, food crops and horticulture, the pets, and fish
2. Function Public Life
The compound provides a variety of plants and pets at all times ready for sale to the owner family's needs.
3. Life Pharmacies Function
Yard provides various kinds of medicinal plants, such as Blumea, lemon, turmeric, kencur, ginger, cardamom and so forth. Plants can be used for traditional medicines did not lose his usefulness with drugs that are chemically produced.
4. Social Function
Yard area that is located adjacent to the neighbor is usually used for the collector-collector celebration, a place to play, discuss, and other social activities. Results yard are usually exchanged with the neighbor's yard to establish a social relation.
5. Source of Seeds and Seedlings function.
Yard ditamani variety of plants and for raising livestock or fish are able to provide good seed seed atapun form seeds, cuttings, grafting, grafting as well as livestock and fish fry.
6. The beauty of the function
The compound that contains various types of plants, good vines, shrubs and plants tall plants and large, can create an atmosphere of beautiful and cool.
7. Beauty Giving Function
Yard planted with various species of plants and flowers that live fences neatly and keteangan will give beauty for the residents.
Simplified pool.Create a fish pond can be done in two ways, namely: a simple way to explore the land that has been determined by non-permanent buildings and modern way to create a permanent dike. Both methods each have their advantages and disadvantages depending on the circumstances surrounding environment, and local socioeconomic factors.
Options create a simple pond in their yards has several advantages as follows:
a. Increasing incomes and family nutrition, especially animal protein.
b. Increasing active participation in the movement of food diversification program.
c. Manufacturing cost is relatively cheap
d. Technology is easy to implement and can create activities that are independent for each household.
e. Easily disseminated.
KNOW TYPES OF FISH.Type - the type commonly cultivated in fish ponds in their yards is simple: fish carp, tawes fish, grass carp fish, mujiar fish, tilapia fish, carp and catfish fishing.
A. Gurami fish.Fish gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) has a bright prospect with quite expensive price. Fish can gurami dibudidayakan well from above the sea level, the optimal water temperature of 24oC - 28oC.
Feature - feature gurami male fish are as follows:
1. Bertombol colored forehead and yellowish -.
2. Rusukbagian both back to form blunt angles.
3. All scales slightly open and the fins appear veins - veins, reddish-colored hair.
While the features - features gurami female fish are as follows:
1. Fins blackish color
2. Abdomen behind the pectoral fin grows
3. Parent age between 4 years to 5 years old and weighs 2 kg.
4. Old fish eggs gurami between two days - three days. Total eggs between 1000 to 3000 details the particulars. After 10 days, the eggs hatched.
Gurami fry eating animals that live renik as periphyton, ant larvae, the larvae Stolon, Cake coconut, and chopped leaves.
B. Tawes fish.Tawes fish (Puntius gonionotus) has a white body so that the silver fish are also often called "Putihan" or "Bader putihan". Tawes fish can be cultivated with good ranging from the coast (brackish water is added) to a height of 800 meters above sea level, with optimum temperatures between 25oC - 33oC. but more suitable tawes fish reared in the lowlands. When processed into salted fish, fish tawes apparently high enough price.
Tawes juveniles eat single-celled algae, zooplankton, algae chain, Mayas, shoots water plants, and other soft plants. Tawes fish snout and small mouth situated at the tip of the snout is adorned by two pairs of small barbels.
Tawes elongated body shape of fish to the horizontal with a flattened shape enlarged back. Fish scales tawes silver white with a dark color on the back.
C. Fish Oreochromis mossambicusTilapia fish (Tilapia mossambica) multiply rapidly and can live anywhere, both lowland and mountainous terrain, both in freshwater and brackish water. Tilapia fish parent 3.5-month-old had already started laying as many as 50 points. One and a half months later the parent fish spawn again. Each time the number of egg laying increased 50 points - 75 points. A parent can lay up to 2000 points. The eggs are usually stored inside its mother's mouth. Hatching eggs also occurs in the mouth of its mother. After hatching, the kids sprayed tilapia fish from the mouth of its mother. If there is a danger, the children fight over the fish back into its mother's mouth.
Tilapia fish eat algae grown fond of the blue, so you can help us membrantas malaria, because the blue algae is where mosquitoes lay eggs.
D. NilaTilapia (Tilapia nilotica) is divided into two, namely regular black tilapia whitish red and red tilapia. Tilapia fish body shape long and lean, with a comparison between body length and the height is 3: 1. tilapia scales are large and coarse, etonoid shaped with vertical stripes on the fins dark.
Female tilapia has the following characteristics:
1. Relative size scales smaller than the scales of male tilapia
2. Scales at the bottom of the chin and abdomen bright.
3. Back of the nose and jaw shape slightly tapering
4. Dorsal and caudal fins and a circle with lines connecting
5. when the abdomen massaged (massage) will not issue a clear liquid.
While the male tilapia has the following characteristics:
1. Libih size scales larger than the female tilapia fish scales
2. Scales at the bottom of the chin and abdomen dark
3. Shape of the nose and jaw extends back
4. Dorsal and caudal fins are lines that are disjointed.
5. When the abdomen massaged (massage) will remove or emit a yellow liquid.
Ability of a parent spawning tilapia between 300 grains to 1,500 grains. Tilapia eggs small, round, 2.8 mm in diameter, gray to yellowish, not sticky, absorbed in water, and incubated in the mouth of the female parent. Tilapia eggs hatch between the four days - five days later.
E. Carp FishCarp Fish (Cyprinus carpio) can grow optimally at an altitude of about 150 meters - 600 meters above sea level, with water temperatures between 20oC - 25oC. These fish have several varieties, including red carp, carp Sinyonya, carp and carp Punten Majalaya.
Red carp or goldfish scales are characterized by a golden-colored golden yellow. The relative length of its body shape and cross the backplate is not so flat.
Swimming Simplified
A. Observations of Land YardWorks yard area where the observations covered an area of land, soil type, and the neighborhood.
1. Area of land
To ensure the size of land area, we can measure it by using a tape measure measuring tool.
2. Soil Type
To determine the type of soil in the area that we are building a swimming can be done in the following manner:
a. Take some top soil layer and soil layer below, then each crushed in water. After softening created grip and pressed with a vengeance. If you leave a lump of sand quite a lot, means the land is classified as sandy soil. But if only a few remaining sand, clay pertained Berti.
b. Kind of good ground for fish pond is sandy clay.
3. Environment
Observation of the environment surrounding the pond will be constructed include:
a. Source of water: rivers, ditches, springs, and irrigation channels
b. The location of the door revenue and expenditure of water.
c. Kinds of plants and assistance that can be used or that must be removed / eliminated.
B. Excavation soil1. Land is measured and marked in accordance shape and position. We recommend a rectangular pond. Simple pool area is planned in the yard area is 50 m2.
2. In accordance with the limits that have been determined, the ground began to hoe to a depth of 100 cm - 150 cm.
3. Along with the excavation of land, once built pematangnya. Bund must be sturdy, trapezium-shaped and does not leak.
4. Sloping bottom made between 3 percent to 5 percent towards the drainage gate.
5. At the bottom of the pool need to be made kemalir. Kemalir function is to facilitate the catching of fish harvest done in time.
C. Preparation Maintenance
1. When the pond has been completed, followed by liming activities. Lime requirement of about 5 kg - 10 kg for the pond area of 50 m2.
2. Sprinkled with manure pond 1 kg / m 2 or 50 kg / 50 m2.
3. Once given the lime and manure, the bottom 5 cm tall watered, and allowed to stagnate for 5 days - 7 days hinga water color changed to greenish
4. Finally, the pool filled with water sempai height 60 cm and the pond is now ready for fish.
Seed stocking
A. Terms SeedFish fry is good and healthy to have the following characteristics:
1. Agile movements
2. No defects and no wounds on her body
3. There are no signs of disease
4. More or less uniform size.
B. Seed PengankutanIf the place of purchase seeds far enough away then fry transportation techniques, to note the following:
1. Plastic bags filled with clean water as much as a third part.
2. Fish seed is inserted bit by bit
3. The air inside the plastic kantorng issued
4. Plastic bags filled with oxygen from the gas tube until full.
5. Tip of a plastic bag tied tightly immediately.
6. Stretcher is inserted into a plastic bag in a cardboard box.
7. Carton of fish seed for fish should be transported in plastic bags only survive in a journey of about 4 hours. Transportation time should be in the morning or evening.
C. Waiver Seeds1. Before the seed sown, the pool has been flooded for four days - seven days.
2. Arriving at the scene, plastic bags containing the seeds directly diapungkan fish in the pond water for 15-20 minutes for an adjustment of the temperature.
3. Dimasukakn pool water into a plastic bag and allowed to float in the pool for 50-10 minutes.
4. When the temperature has opened a plastic bag fastener sesuaim
5. Furthermore, these plastic bags diniringkan into the water and fish seeds allowed out alone for a swim.
6. Seed density for tilapia fish is 0.5 kg - 2 kg per m2 with seed size 50-70 GRM per cow.
fish pond model
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